The iron ore price in china today, based on the inventory amount of iron ore in the ports, and, of course, the volume of demand from iron ore buyers is fluctuating. Accordingly, the iron ore exporting country sets the iron ore cfr china price.
The cfr iron ore price in china today is affected by several parameters and conditions.
- The demand from Chinese steelmakers is influenced by several issues. The one that concerns the demand for steel products from the final market. The second issue relates to limiting laws that restrict steelmakers in production with the aim of controlling air pollutants.
- Iron ore inventories in China’s ports: The decline in inventories in Chinese ports could be a driving force for investors to buy and stimulate the market. Therefore iron ore cfr china price will increase.
- Chinese steelmaker margin: sometimes the lack of control over the production and supply of steel products in the market distorts market equilibrium. In this situation, if the price of steel in China decreases, its impact over time will be on marginal steelmakers’ profits. Therefore, the iron ore price will also be affected later on.
Therefore, the price of iron ore today in the port may be different from yesterday’s prices. In other words, the chances of fluctuating iron ore price in china today are high.
FOB iron ore price
Changing the market situation for iron ore in China given that this country is one of the world’s largest iron ore buyers, it affects the global price of iron ore and hence the fob iron ore price in the ports of the exporting countries.
Among the iron ore suppliers in the world, we can name Australia, Iran, India and Malaysia. Australia is one of the most important exporters of iron ore to China. Changing the amount of iron ore exports from Australia to China could also affect the Chinese market. As we saw this in the last months of 2018. Reducing iron ore exports from Australia to China was a major driver of the iron ore market in China.
Contact information for Inventory Day and Iron Ore and dri Prices:
Simurgh iron & steel company
Address: Iran, Tabriz & Esfahan
Tell (Whats app & Skype):+989146602486
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
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