tariffs for sponge iron dri exports

Tariffs for sponge iron dri exports with a HS code of 72031000 and 72030000 in the export and import book of 1397 (2018-2019) are five percent similar to iron pellets in iran. The export duties for raw steel products for the year 1397 (2018-2019) are five percent, with an annual increase of up to 10 percent.

Establishing a tariffs for sponge iron dri exports with the aim of preventing its excessive export without regard to the domestic needs of steelmakers in our country. But what resulted from the export tariffs on raw and middle products of steel to prevent crude production, a decline in production and a stagnation in the market, followed by a decline in employment. Factories and processing units will have to cut production if ministry of Industry export limit and lack of domestic demand. The solution to be replaced by restrictive export regulations is to increase domestic demand by facilitating and concentrating on the export of final steel products, along with stimulating investment in housing and steel infrastructure.

Steel exports and the final products of this industry

Focusing on exporting steel products such as steel rebar, beam, or semi-finished products such as ingot and steel billet with the right advertising in this area by exporters can boost the steel industry in our country. This issue will be possible along with the appropriate rules for the export of middle or final steel products.

Iron ore exports

What should be considered in the iron ore exports and steel products, such as sponge iron exports, is the current state of our economy and the need to increase non-oil exports. The use of existing resources that can help the Iranian economy with proper management should be done. A change in global conditions can certainly limit our current status and the possibility of benefiting from these natural contexts. Therefore, in line with employment and economic growth along with supporting the domestic production of steelmakers, it is necessary to boost the export of steel chain products with proper control.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

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