magnetite iron ore price per ton today

The magnetite iron ore price per ton in Iran, Australia and Brazil has dropped 0.3, 0.4 and 0.3, respectively. Currently, prices are $ 29.8 for Iran iron ore price, $ 65.6 for Australian iron ore price, $ 55.2 for Brazilian iron ore price.

We described magnetite iron ore price per ton today for 61 percent, in the first paragraph of the paper. The price of fob iron ore for the 57% magnetite experienced a similar fluctuation. The global price fluctuation of 57% Magnetite iron ore for January 3, 2019 is as follows:

World iron ore price 2019

Iran iron ore fob price

Iran iron ore fob price for magnetite has dropped by 57 percent. The reduction is about 0.3 percent. The price has already been reported at around $ 21.4.

Australian iron ore price today

The australian iron ore price today for 57% magnetite is $ 54.7 delivered to the fob ports of this country. Oscillation is -0.4.

Price of iron ore in india

Iron ore prices in India dropped by 0.3 percent. The price on January 3, 2019 is about $ 33.4.

Malaysia iron ore price

The price of Malaysian iron ore is equal to India and is about $ 33.4. Which has experienced a decline of 0.2.

As you can see today, we have seen a drop in the price of iron ore exports at the Iran and several countries, including Australia and Brazil, which are the most important iron ore exporter in the world.

Iron ore price metal bulletin

Of course, the price fluctuations of the cfr of China’s ports, as reported in the Metal Bulletin’s Iron Ore Report of 2019, showed a magnitude of about 0.95 percent for the 62 percent increase.

Contact information for inquiry of inventory day and iron ore prices:

Simurgh iron & steel company

Address: Iran, Tabriz & Esfahan
Tell (Whats app & Skype): +989146602486

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