iran iron ore fob price

Iran iron ore fob price in Bandar Abbas is determined according to the price of iron ore days and the cost of lateral clearance for customs clearance, transportation, staffing, and so on.

The iran iron ore fob price, is likely to fluctuate over a period of one year. Because the price fluctuation is also possible at the global price of iron ore. And there is the possibility of reducing or increasing the cost of the needed items that we need to discharge for cargo or transferring the load to the ship.

Iron ore exports

The Iran iron ore fob price is determined by the price of the world and the cost of international shipping, that is, shipping and, of course, the costs of delivery of the product fob. Sometimes the increase in shipping prices from Iranian ports to destinations such as China makes the iran iron ore fob price cheaper than the global price. In fact, the profit of iron ore exporters in Iran is decreasing. Changing the cost of domestic transportation also affects the same. Increasing or decreasing it can reduce or increase the price difference between iron ore and fob relative to the price of iron ore ex-work, given the global price of iron ore. This affects the exporter’s profit.

Iron ore today price

Today’s iran iron ore fob price in Bandar Abbas experienced a swing at around $ 1.53 for all kinds of hematite and magnetite, with a purity of 54 to 62 percent. The price of magnetite iron ore is now 61 percent, at $ 32.5 and the magnetite iron ore price is 57 percent at $ 24. (January 9, 2019).

The price of iron ore in Australia, as well as the price of iron ore in Brazil, was also increasing during the day.

Contact information for Inventory Day and Iron Ore Prices:

Simurgh iron & steel company

Address: Iran, Tabriz & Esfahan
Tell (Whats app & Skype): +989146602486

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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