hematite iron ore price per ton today

The hematite iron ore price per ton today is based on the gradation and purity of it. The purity of hematite iron ore is in the range of 54 to 62 percent, and the price of iron ore for each purity is determined individually.

In order to determine the hematite iron ore price per ton today as you know, we need to examine its specifications. The quantities that are effective in determining the global price of iron ore are given below.

Hematite iron ore suppliers

In announcing the world price of iron ore, has declared its type also comes with a price. Two of the most important minerals are iron ore, hematite and magnetite. These two types of minerals have different characteristics and parameters. Because of differences, they also have a different price. The price of magnetite iron ore is often higher than the hematite iron ore price.

Iron ore price 62 fe

Another important parameter to consider for the price of iron ore is the iron purity in it. Along with announcing the price of iron ore, a number is stated. For example, the price of iron ore is 62%. This number represents the percentage of stone’s purity.

Fine hematite iron ore price

The next issue is the size of the stone grains. Iron ore in terms of grain size is classified in two categories. Iron ore fines and iron ore lumps. In the price of iron ore, its type is also expressed in terms of grain size.

To get the price of fob iron ore and to register a purchase order, you can contact us through the following communication methods.

Contact information for Inventory Day and Iron Ore Prices:

Simurgh iron & steel company

Address: Iran, Tabriz & Esfahan
Tell (Whats app & Skype): +989146602486
E-mail: Sales@ironmetal.ir

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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