buy sponge iron vs scrap fines and sludge

The buy sponge iron vs scrap – the buy sponge iron fines and buy sponge iron sludge – has expanded with the development of technologies for the use of these products and the re-entry of these products into the steel making cycle, which has reduced the waste of mineral products in the steel making chain.

Buy sponge iron vs scrap, namely the buy sponge iron fines and the sludge, is due to the introduction of briquetting technology and, of course, the possibility of agglomerating and sputtering of sponge iron pellets, by mid-steel production units.

Sponge iron briquette

Sponge iron fines is one of the sponge iron vs scrap that has been converted to briquetting technology into the steel chain and is no a waste product of reduction units. Fortunately, a number of companies are also developing and equipping themselves with this technology to produce sponge iron briquette and therefore buy sponge iron scrap from factories producing this product.

Buy sponge iron sludge

Buy sponge iron sludge with the aim of converting it into agglomerates and iron pellets. With the conversion of sponge iron sludge to the agglomerate or pellet, it is possible to return it to the steel making chain. The sponge iron sludge is the residual powder in the direct reduction process after the collision with the reducing gases that is collected from the production line and, after drying, obtains its usability in pelletizing units. Of course, other parts of the industry are also buyers of sponge iron fines and sludge. For example, sponge iron fines is used in the production of metallic or semi-metallic car brake pads.

The sale of sponge iron vs scrap fines and sludge is carried out by Simurgh iron and steel company in the monthly tonnage of 20,000 tons. You can use the following communication methods to purchase and, of course, receive analysis.

Contact information for Inventory Day and Iron Ore Prices:

Simurgh iron & steel company

Address: Iran, Tabriz & Esfahan

Tell (Whats app & Skype): +989146602486


You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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