Steel slabs Wholesale production

For the first time that galvanized sheet was used for the roof, this type of sheet is only used for instant molds. At that time, these roofs had many advantages over traditional roofs in terms of costs and projects. The only function of this steel sheet was to carry the load and load it before setting concrete. This group of roofing sheets is called a proof deck. The price of the steel deck is also cheaper than other roofs and is due to cost savings. For more information on steel slabs, visit our site.

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Steel slabs Wholesale production

What are steel slabs?

What are steel slabs? Due to the high production speed of the decks and roof covering and the possibility of concreting several roofs simultaneously, the construction time will be considerably shortened. Load control during execution These steel sheets can withstand loads during execution without the need for piles and are used as a work platform. There are many regulations for determining the fire resistance of steel decking roofs, according to which the degree of fire resistance can be determined depending on the sensitivity and use of the structure.

Weather resistance Steel deck roofs can be used in all weather conditions without the possibility of controlling the amount of galvanized coating on the sheets without a significant increase in operating costs. Physical beauty Although steel deck roofs are basically structural elements, they are also visually appealing due to their galvanized coating and various shapes, and with the proper coating they will be durable, easy to maintain and extremely beautiful.

These regulations specify the characteristics of the required materials, production and installation tolerances and design methods, and there are many calculation methods for calculating the geometric characteristics of roofs, which can be used for opening and the openings used for Specify each type of section. As this type of roof is introduced as the default Etabs software, which is the most widely used structural design software in a variety of decks. One of the main characteristics of composite deck slab roofs is their ability to provide a rigid diaphragm in the structure.

In such a way that the good connection between the lower sheet and the concrete it contains, which is ensured by the shape of the steel sheet and the protrusions on it (certified sections), as well as their connection to the side beams, which are executed by studs and molds. Peripherals are provided. They cause the full composite function of the roof and create a suitable rigid diaphragm. These diaphragms can transfer horizontal forces to load-bearing members of the structure when properly designed and executed. For more information on the what are steel slabs used for visit our site.

Bulk production of steel slabs

Bulk production of steel slabs Bulk production of steel slabs is possible from our collection. This product is produced from high quality raw materials that are exported to other countries at a good price. Therefore, you can refer to our site for more information about steel slab size.

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