Steel billets Domestic production

Slabs are different from other ingots in appearance and unlike the previous two models, its surface is rectangular in cross section. Slabs are used to make steel sheets. For more information about Steel billets Domestic production, visit our site.

Steel billets Domestic production

Why is billet so expensive?

Why is billet so expensive?

The more scientific term known by this name worldwide is CCM. If the ingot is consumed directly from the production of ccm, it is called ccm or billet. The billet is also known as the ingot, it is longer than the ingot and has a circular or square surface with a width of less than 15 cm, in other words, its cross-sectional area is less than 230 cm2. Shamshal is mostly used to produce rebars and wires. Billets are produced in different categories such as 3sp and 5sp. A 3sp billet that is flexible and more flexible in terms of traction, bending and twisting. The 5sp ticket is not flexible and is used when the structure is not exposed to force and pressure and is almost stable. The price of a 3sp billet is higher.

Bloom is also known as “Shamseh”. Bloom is actually the same billet that comes in different sizes. That is, its width is more than 15 cm, in other words, it can be said that the cross section is less than 230 cm square, and for this reason, Bloom and Billet are usually in the same category. Bloom is mostly used to make rails, shields, studs, cans and.. In the past, the name Bloom was used more, but over time, the merchants of this class gave the name of the factory to this product, although the old people of this market still call this product Bloom.

The importance of carbon in ingots has a special place, because steel ingots are used to produce rebars, and the amount of carbon in ingots is important to produce rebars. If we want to provide rebar of size 14 to 40, the ingot must be with carbon 30 to 35 and for lower sizes, less carbon is needed because in lower sizes more traction and softness are needed. Ingots 125, 130 and 150 are suitable for the production of rebars, and in modern and up-to-date factories, it is possible to produce rebars with both ingots. Ingots with dimensions of 100,120,125,130,150,160 are billets and ingots with dimensions of 180 * 180, 200 * 200, 250 * 250 are called bloom and are used for the production of industrial rebars. For more information about steel billets manufacturers, visit our site.

Domestic demand for steel billets

Domestic demand for steel billets

types of steel billets are separated by oxygen to obtain crude steel. After separating the impurities, the molten steel is taken to the casting unit to pour the molten material into the molding unit in the molds and place it on a roller, which is cooled by spraying water. After cooling, the steel ingot is cut to the desired length. For more information about Domestic demand for steel billets, visit our site.

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