The Iran sponge iron price today with iron purity in the range of 90-88% in the stock exchange and in the free market is close to each other and about 13000 rials. The latest change range for the price of Sponge Iron is between 12600 and 14600 Rials during the last two weeks of January 2012.
The sponge iron price today 88-90 Fe is determined in accordance with market conditions and fluctuations caused by the price of upstream steel products. As we said, in the latest changes in the price of sponge iron, we saw an increase in the price of 12600 Rials to 14600 Rials and then a relative decline to 13000 Rials in mid-January 2019. Of course, there is another issue in determining the price of sponge iron. This topic is related to your specification of the Sponge Iron product itself. In a given time period, two shipments may differ in price from one another. What is the difference between the price of a sponge iron day between two shipments?
Sponge iron price per ton today
In terms of the sponge iron price today, in addition to market conditions, its analysis and the percentage of iron purity present in the product are also considered. Sponge iron may be graded in grade one or two according to the degree of purity of iron. There will definitely be a difference in price between Sponge Iron 1 and 2 grade. In addition to the purity of iron, we must also pay attention to impurities in the product and harmful elements such as phosphorus. These are identified in the sponge iron analysis paper.
If you are going to buy sponge iron, you can contact the sales department. In the first step to inquire about the price of the day and get the analysis sheet. In the event of an initial agreement on the purchase, the terms and conditions of the buy sponge iron will be announced to you.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
Ways of communication:Phone number: 02147623014
Phone number: 04133660491
Phone number: 09120169267
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