Sponge iron affordable prices

The iron produced by the various stages of direct reduction is called sponge iron. This type of iron is used in various industries, so it is in great demand in the market for sale. Sponge iron is produced from many ores and the quality of this product depends on the stone from which it is produced. sponge iron price is very reasonable so it has many buyers in domestic and foreign markets.

Sponge iron affordable prices

The brief introduction to sponge iron

The brief introduction to sponge iron Due to the importance of sponge iron in various industries, in this article we want to briefly discuss how to produce and introduce sponge iron:

At the beginning, it is very important to identify suitable mines for sponge iron production. Geological engineers must identify quality iron ore mines. Iron ore is mainly mined and transported to sponge iron companies.

The process of removing oxygen from iron ore is called the direct reduction process. This process is based on two types of gas and coal. Iron ore is converted to sponge iron at high temperatures by special furnaces without melting. The production of sponge iron is actually essential for the production of iron. The operation was first carried out in the Middle East and Europe, then other countries in the world began to produce sponge iron.

Direct reduction processes are very effective in the production of sponge iron. High fuel consumption is consumed during these processes. In the past, the direct reduction process was performed by conventional furnaces. But today, with the industrialization of many countries, this process is done by electric ovens. Sponge iron is produced in many provinces of Iran and therefore Iran is one of the largest producers of these products.

Today, sponge iron is a required item in many factories. Sponge iron is used in various forms in steel mills after melting during the casting process. One of the most important forms of sponge iron in the market is rebar, which is widely used in the construction industry. It is also called pellet sponge iron, which has a spherical shape.

Rational prices for sponge iron in 2021

Rational prices for sponge iron in 2021 Sponge iron has a sponge like structure due to its porosity, hence the name sponge iron. sponge iron trade has flourished in Iran and many companies want this product.

Sponge iron has a high grade and percentage of pure iron and has good sales due to the low amount of iron waste in the market. Most sponge iron is used in the steel industry and today more than five percent is used as a raw material in steelmaking. Sponge iron in excellent quality and very reasonable price is distributed in the market through this center.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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