Scrap metal iron Market size in 2021

The chemical properties of scrap directly depend on the type of production and grade of steel made, which contains a number of useful and harmful elements. Scrap iron may contain metals such as copper, tin, zinc, and non-metals such as phosphorus and sulfur. These elements reduce the quality of steel. Therefore, the types of scrap iron, especially those that have the above elements should be inspected and separated. As a result, the percentage of scrap iron consumption for charging furnaces is different depending on the type of steel produced. This makes the chemical composition of scrap important for the manufacture of construction steels and alloy and special steels. For more information about Scrap metal iron Market size in 2021, visit our site.

Scrap metal iron Market size in 2021

How much is scrap iron worth?

How much is scrap iron worth? Scrap iron is often used around the world for recycling and reuse in production lines. At present, in developed countries, in addition to clean and precise classification and separation, it is pulverized and packaged and sold with the additives required in the parts manufacturing industries. In Iran, as in the past, it is used for melting in furnaces. In the foundry industry, it is used to make cast iron products from induction furnaces, the temperature of which rises to 1450 ° C, and in the steel industry, electric arc furnaces are used, which show temperatures up to 1950 ° C to 2000 ° C.

Traditional castings also use rotary kilns of more than one ton. First, press scrap iron, which consists of thin sheets, is loaded into the furnace, and since this type of scrap melts sooner, press scrap is used to charge the furnace and about one third of the furnace, and after melting this Scrap, thicker scrap or transported by scrap sellers, dumps a heavy load into the furnace, which due to the melting inside the furnace, this type of scrap melts in a shorter time. In kilns, the melting is often completed in an hour and a half to two hours, and after slag or slag, additives are added to the melting to standardize the melting for the specific product to be desired.

After chemical and mechanical tests, the laboratory reports the results to the melting unit so that the melting analysis is exactly according to the standard. In this case, scrap iron waste has become a standard product and in every way is similar to a new product that is made of ingots or sponge iron. For more information about scrap metal iron suppliers, visit our site.

Marketing size of scrap metal iron

Marketing size of scrap metal iron Marketing size of scrap metal iron is done by our company with experts and we also send this product to other countries, so you dear ones can refer to our site for more information about scrap metal iron wholesalers.

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