rebar prices at low cost

rebar prices always experience many fluctuations for various reasons. Due to the high volume of consumption of this profile in various industries, including construction, these sudden changes will have a significant impact on the financial calculations of projects and is one of the most important factors determining the price of structures. To buy rebar prices at low cost, you can refer to the website of our collection and buy this product.

What you read in this article:

rebar prices at low cost

where to buy rebar?

where to buy rebar?

Our production line allows you to load your desired rebar in different standards and sizes from the factory or company and easily proceed to purchase.

Next to this price list is the online calculation of the weight of ribbed, plain, shaft, and bolt rebar for dear customers. Other details in the rebar price list include the date and time of the last update. You can also see price fluctuations by clicking on the icon in the last column associated with each product.

rebar types and their mechanical specifications:

Most of the rebars used in the concrete and concreting industry are characterized by ordinary steel, which is classified, produced, and consumed in Iran as follows. Of course, this category is according to the Russian standard that is common in Iran.

-1 Soft rebar without tread (A1)

This rebar with current stress of 2300 kg / cm2 and rupture stress of 3800 kg / cm2 and relative plastic deformation (at rupture) of 25% is known as soft rebar and is mostly smooth and without tread.

-2 Semi-rigid rebar with simple tread (A2)

This type of rebar with current stress of 3000 kg / cm2 and rupture stress of 5000 kg / cm2 and relative plastic deformation (at rupture) of 19% is known as semi-dry (brittle) and semi-soft rebar, which is ribbed and mainly It is a spring-shaped tread. This rebar is suitable for construction operations, especially stamping, and welding operations can be performed on it if forced, but it is recommended to avoid welding if possible.

-3 Hard rebar with complex tread (A3)

This rebar with current stress of 4000 kg / cm2 and a rupture stress of 6000 kg / cm2 and a plastic deformation (at the time of rupture) of 14% as a dry (brittle) rebar is suitable for industrial and construction civil operations, which is ribbed and mainly It is a chin tread and is not suitable for forging and many deformations with sharp angles and also welding operations on it not allowed in any way.

rebar prices at cheapest price

rebar prices at cheapest price

Black rebar is used in every project except for a few exceptions. The biggest weakness of black reinforcement is its rust. When it rusts, the concrete around it cracks and breaks. There are better options than black rebar in situations that may be exposed to moisture and water. But considering the ratio of its value to the tensile strength of black rebar is the best. Therefore, the steel price chart has undergone fundamental changes due to currency fluctuations, which you can refer to our site to view rebar prices at the cheapest price.

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Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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