lme steel billet price chart

The lme steel billet price chart for the slab price of the cis area, now on January 22, 2019, represents a fluctuation change from a few days ago. Currently, the steel billet price index for the cis area shows a price peak after the downturn.

Global steel prices index for lme steel billet price chart cis shows an increasing trend. On January 21, 2019, the increase was reported at 3.1%. Steel slab prices cis are now up 3.1% at $ 405.

The reason is the ascending curve in the lme steel billet price chart

One of the main reasons for the increase in steel slab prices in Russia, we can mention the closure of MMK in Russia. MMK is one of Russia’s largest steel makers who announced a shutdown announcement in less than two months due to the start of some remodeling at the factory. This is the most important factor driving the price growth of steel in the CIS region.

Turkish scrap steel prices

Of course, during the release of this news and the likelihood of a shortage of steel supply in the market, Turkish customers have also increased their purchases and are now actively buying. Scrap prices in turkey are also rising over the same period. A significant rise has been reported and about 3.5% reported.

Iran steel billet export

Fortunately, this news is good news for Iranian steel makers. The global increase of steel ingots price, especially in the target markets for iran steel exports, has provided the position of increased export profits for Iranian steelmakers.

Tangshan billet price chart

At the same time, we see a 0.6 percent increase in steel billets prices in china. Southeast Asian steel billet price also rose about 0.2 percent.

For steel billet export price delivered FOB Bandar Abbas, can get in touch with us via the following communication routes. Pleas contact us.

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