Iron pellets Distribution centers

Nowadays, scrap or sponge iron obtained directly from iron ore (pellets) is commonly used to make ingots and steel products. The removal of oxygen in iron ore by reducing gases or carbon from town gas and coal results in sponge iron. The term “direct reduction of iron” or direct iron product is derived from the chemical changes that occur in blast furnaces under the influence of high temperatures. For more information on iron pellets distribution centers, please visit our website.

Iron pellets Distribution centers

What are iron pellets used for?

What are iron pellets used for? In general, processes for the production of sponge iron are divided into two groups:

  1. gas-based methods,
  2. coal-based methods

In both methods, the goal is to separate the oxygen present in different types of iron ores (iron ore, concentrate, oxide shell, pellets, etc.) in order to convert iron ore to ferrous metal at a temperature below its melting point. (Less than 1200 degrees Celsius). And it can be said that iron production with the process of iron reduction (sponge iron) almost saves energy is also. Because it requires less heat and fuel and does not require conventional blast furnaces.

DRI (abbreviated as sponge iron) is often converted to steel in electric arc furnaces to maximize heat utilization. In reducing iron today, the problems of traditional blast furnace processes have almost been overcome. And sponge iron is mined well all over the world. The initial capital and running costs of iron recovery are much lower than the cost of production in integrated steel mills, and it is also a more suitable method for developing countries with limited coal resources. Things That Make The Dri-Method Economical:

  • 1. Sponge iron is about the size of cast iron, which contains 90 to 94 percent pure iron (depending on the quality of the stone). Therefore, it is an excellent option for electric furnaces used in steel mills to reduce the use of iron, scrap iron and produce better quality steel.
  • 2. Hot iron briquette (HBI) is designed for easy transport and tight storage.
  • 3. Hot sponge iron (HDRI) is an iron that is not cooled after leaving the iron reduction furnace and is immediately transferred to the waiting arc furnace for continuous operation without wasting time and energy.
  • 4. Pellets or natural iron ore are used in the manufacture of sponge iron. The only exception is the fluidized bed process, which uses pieces of mineral iron ore.

The manufacture of sponge iron was the first method of iron extraction in the Middle East, Egypt, and Europe and lasted at least until the 16th century. There is historical evidence that the crystalline method was used in China and that China adopted the blast furnace technology for making cast iron in 500 BC. The advantage of blooming (making metal from sponge iron) is that it is possible even at low temperatures, ie around 1100 degrees Celsius. However, the disadvantage of this method compared to casting in blast furnaces is that it simultaneously yields less iron. For more information iron pellets price please visit our website.

Distributing iron pellets in bulk

Distributing iron pellets in bulk Distributing iron pellets in bulk is distributed by our collection all over the country and it has an affordable price that other countries also buy this product, so you can For more information about iron pellets for sale, visit our site.

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Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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