Iron ore pellets market in 2020

The daily price of iron pellets during the change of world market conditions and if we examine based on the Rial rate, in addition to the world price of iron pellets, is determined by factors such as export duties, dollar exchange rate, export ancillary costs, and. The factors influencing the daily price of iron pellets are listed below in order and we try to briefly mention how they affect them. As you know, iron pellets are formed from the agglomeration of fine grains of iron concentrate. The iron ore pellets market is fully milled and cannot be used directly in the kiln, so it is subjected to the agglomeration process and used as a pellet product.

Iron ore pellets market in 2020

How are iron ore pellets made?

How are iron ore pellets made? One of the most important quality iron ore pellet specifications are: It looks like hard bullets and has been completely regenerated. Contains additives such as sodium hydroxide, lime, bentonite, a combination of organic and mineral adhesives to have excellent performance. It has a very good grade and is impact resistant. Chemically produced in such a way that they have high resistance to pressure and wear and do not break easily.

The best porosity for pellets is between 20 and 30%. Freefall tests as well as heat tests have been performed on these products. Because the best and most quality type of pellets are those products that are very durable against heat and fall. Naturally, when you intend to prepare these products, you should understand the characteristics of these products, including their physical and chemical characteristics, so that you can test these samples well and buy the best type of these samples. And apply it in your job and profession.

  It is true that there are different types of these products that can differ in terms of dimensions as well as weight. But in terms of strength and durability, all of these samples must be excellent and unique to have excellent performance in difficult conditions. So if you work in industries that need to provide good samples of these pellets, when buying iron ore pellets for sale, pay attention to the characteristics of these products and buy the highest quality type of these products.

Bulk marketing of iron ore pellets

Bulk marketing of iron ore pellets In addition to the world price of iron pellets, it is necessary to consider the export tariff for iron pellets. Therefore, traders who intend to export make purchases based on the ancillary costs that must be incurred during the export. Therefore, in determining the daily price of iron pellets, it is necessary to specify these costs. Expenditure costs of exports in addition to export tariffs, we can mention the costs of thc, shipping, customs, and even domestic shipping costs. And of course, the packaging costs should be considered if the buyer wants to deliver the cargo packed inside the jumbo bag. The price of high-grade export pellets and, of course, high-grade iron ore concentrate is stimulated by creating more environmental restrictions on Chinese steelmakers in Chinese ports, and its impact subsequently affects the price of iron pellets in countries exporting fob delivery.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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