heavy iron scrap price

The heavy iron scrap price is slightly higher among several categories of iron waste due to its uniformity in quality and size. In the international standard, heavy iron scrap is referred to as iron scrap with a thickness of more than 1/4 inch or 0.635 centimeters with a smaller size of 60 * 24 inches or 152 * 61 cm.

Iron scrap price

Iron scrap has a wide variety of categories due to the high variety of steel products. The classification is also based on different parameters, but the most common categorization that is known for most factories is the scrap iron category based on density.

  • Heavy Metal Scarp (HMS1): with a thickness of more than 1/4 inch or 0.635 centimeters with a smaller size of 60 * 24 inches or 152 * 61 cm
  • Heavy Metal Scarp (HMS2): In the international standard, iron and black galvanized scrap is more than 1/8 inches thick and measures less than 18 x 60 inches. Also, thin-walled car parts and alloys can also be placed in this category.
  • Light Iron Scrap: The types of scrap and iron scrap with a specific weight of between 0.05 and 0.8 tonne per cubic meter are called light scraps.
  • And ….

Iron scrap price per kg

How many Iron Scrap prices per kg? The answer to this question relates precisely to which part of the consignment is one of the following types of scrap iron. Based on its quality, the price is determined.

Heavy iron scrap price per kg

The price of scrap metal specially for Shahriyar Bonab in East Azarbaijan province for April 7, 2019 is 30100 Rials. Also, the price of scrap metal in Tabriz for first and second quality is about 2960 and 2830, respectively.

Steel scrap buyers

The price of scrap metal for the buyer of high-tonnage iron scrap is very important given the high volume of the transaction. Therefore, a slight change in price can be decisive in the trading procedure. The price of iron scrap from our side is entirely dependent on the buyer’s requested tonnage.

Online iron scrap auctions

Online iron scrap auctions from companies collecting and supplying various scrap iron are often announced throughout the year. In some time periods, non-auction sales take place due to two inventories. The social network link for the advert for the iron and steel scrap auction of Simorgh Company is below. You can also get updates from the latest announcements through the communication channels.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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