The online prices of direct reduction iron and rebars were lower than the prices of the previous week due to the decreasing fluctuations this week, which started from the second day of the week.
What is direct reduction iron?
We have had a growing trend of sponge iron production in recent months in our country. In this section, we want to refer to the latest statistics presented in international journals.
The latest report of the World Steel Association, which presented a report on global steel production in January 2019, indicates that the production of sponge iron is approaching the production volume of the largest producer of this product, India.
In this publication, the amount of sponge iron production in Iran in January 2019 is estimated at about 2530 thousand tons, which shows a growth of + 35.9%. On the other hand, the production of sponge iron in India has decreased by about -7% in the same period.
This has reduced the gap between Iran and India in terms of sponge iron production. As you know, India and Iran are the largest producers of cast iron in the world.
In the third week of November, early in the week, we saw a rise in prices and then a downward trend in prices. Daily online prices of beams and rebars are updated on the site of the supplier companies.
Of course, as you know, the price of beams and rebars in the open market is often different from the price of beams and rebars in the commodity exchange (of course, we hope that this difference will be minimized by making the right decisions in this regard).
Bulk price of direct reduction iron
The direct reduced iron prices fca delivery is estimated based on ancillary costs such as export customs tariff for this product, product packaging costs in jumbo bags, shipping cost on deck and value added cost.
We estimate the price of export sponge iron according to the tonnage and volume of the buyer’s request, taking into account the ancillary costs mentioned above.
The supply of reduced iron chemical formula and rebars in the stock market is not done every day. On some days of the week, the producing factories offer steel on the stock exchange and announce their daily prices in accordance with market conditions.
The inclusion of Iranian sponge iron in the list of intermediate steel export materials, which is due to the increase in its production, has led to an increasing increase in export demand and demands that its price be matched in our country’s market with the world price of sponge iron. Production of sponge iron
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