Direct reduction iron for sale

Direct reduction iron for sale is distributed to buyers with the best quality and our collection is a supplier of these products at the best prices available in the market, which has been able to attract many customers and increase its sales significantly. Pay attention, another reason for offering these products at reasonable prices in our collection is their direct sale.

Direct reduction iron for sale

What is direct reduction iron?

What is direct reduction iron? Industries based on the production of crude iron and steel are among the comprehensive and infrastructure industries of countries. Due to the problems of traditional processes and methods of iron production and also in order to optimize industrial processes, in recent decades, new methods in this industry have received much attention. One of these methods is direct reduction processes. In the process of direct reduction with coal, solid-gas heterogeneous chemical reactions are reduced. During these reactions, iron oxides are reduced in several stages from hematite to magnetite, from magnetite to visit, and finally from a visit to iron.

The direct reduction process is one of the new methods for producing iron in which iron is produced without the use of the process or even in some cases without lumping. The direct reduction of iron oxides by carbon has been extensively studied in recent decades. The investment, commissioning, and maintenance costs of the direct reduction process are much lower than other existing methods and can be used in small steelmaking units with good economic justification. It is also a viable option for many developing countries facing a shortage of high-quality coal resources.

Purchase direct reduction iron in bulk

Purchase direct reduction iron in bulk Purchase direct reduction iron in bulk because its price is quite economical and today in the country there are many manufacturers large and small across the country who design, produce and sell direct reduction iron in bulk and this life has made it known to the people has been. Among the manufacturers, there is a more successful manufacturer who can have more products so that he can get more orders and have more customers, and can produce more diverse designs and meet any type of taste.

Of course, the manufacturer of direct reduction iron can make a good profit from this market with beautiful and attractive designs and can put the name of his company or product on the tongues and can have good sales in the country and abroad, and direct reduction iron suppliers are the best. Distributes the type of goods. Iron oxide is charged from the feed tank of the regenerative furnace by gravity and through a pipe insulated by a sealing gas to the distribution pipes and from there to the regenerative furnace. In pellet furnaces, due to the force of gravity and with the help of a vibrating feeder, it moves downwards and turns into iron metal by direct contact with the opposite flow of reducing gases in the reduction zone.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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