hot briquetted iron hbi price 2019

Hot briquetted iron hbi price is set as auctioned by Simurgh iron and steel company. During the auction of hot briquetted iron hbi, the buyer will be required to declare the requested price and, if winning the auction, can receive the product in accordance with the steps outlined below.

We provide the attached hot briquetted iron hbi analysis. The amount of hot briquetted iron hbi for the sale of auctions by Simurgh Steel and Iron Company is about 20,000 tons.

Hot briquetted iron hbi auction steps

Buyer hot briquetted iron hbi, your offer hot briquetted iron hbi price must be indicated. In the number as well as letters in the attached form without line corrosion. Obviously, the buyer must insert the seal as well as signature of your company under all the contract papers. A review of the briquetted sponge iron price that has been made by buyers is being announced. And then winner of the auctions will be introduced.

The winner of the sale of hot briquetted iron hbi is required to deposit up to 10% of the advance bid up to 3 business days after the announcement of the auction result to the account of the Simurgh iron and steel company. It should be noted that the winner of the auction does not have the possibility of assigning the contract (part of the contract or the whole contract) to another person. Additional costs, such as insurance, value added tax, tolls, and transportation are the responsibility of the buyer.

Another important point to be announced is the probability of a slight fluctuation and the difference in the analysis of each briquetted piece of paper that will be notified to the buyer during the contract process. And the buyer is obliged to inquire.

Analysis of hot briquetted iron hbi

88+-2 Fe total
79+-2 Fe metal
90+-2 MD
0.8+-0.2 %C
0.001+-0.0001 %S

Form auctions hot briquetted iron hbi

Simurgh iron companu –

Simurgh iron & steel company

Address: Iran, Tabriz & Esfahan
Tell (Whats app & Skype): +989146602486

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

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