Steel ingots to export in 2021

The price of steel bars is announced for three types namely billet, bloom and slab steel bars. Billet and Bloom steel ingots are produced in 200 * 300 and 150 * 150 sizes. This factory has produced these products with the aim of meeting the needs of domestic rolling mill. The price of Steel Ingot in Our company is very affordable, given that this factory has recently started producing bloom and billet next to the mat, is often announced for three products namely Bloom Steel Ingot, Billet Steel Ingot and Slab Steel Ingot. To learn more about steel blocks to be exported in 2021, visit our site.

Steel ingots to export in 2021

How are steel ingots made?

How are steel ingots made? The iron ore powder is cooked in the form of pellets and enters the 600 series Midrex reduction furnace, and the reducing gas is blown into the furnace. The reduced iron is then removed from the furnaces in the form of sponge iron pellets. The company’s products include hot and cold rollers and plates, acid wash rollers, narrow belt rollers and plates, which are produced in accordance with international steel standards.

various industries such as: automotive industry, household appliances, piping, pressure vessels, transportation and freight companies, light and heavy metal equipment, etc. Steel Ingot was produced in the form of plates, which is a suitable base product for the production of steel plates. The company recently started manufacturing bloom rods and rod blocks with the aim of helping to provide the raw material for rolling mills.

To begin this production, the mold modification of one of the machines for the plate production line was started. That is why Bloeibaren with dimensions of 200 x 300 were placed on the production agenda. Also, for the production of steel ingots the method of cutting the plates produced for the production rods has been used.

The reason for this continuous monitoring is that it is a benchmark for products such as sponge iron. Of course, we should note that the price of Khuzestan steel ingots or steel ingots of other factories is often different in the open market and in the stock market. What is the criterion and basis of pricing is the price of Khuzestan steel ingots in the steel exchange. For more information on uses of steel ingots, visit our site.

Exporting steel ingots in bulk

Exporting steel ingots in bulk Our company does Exporting steel ingots in bulk at a good price all over the country, which is produced from quality raw materials and has an affordable price, so you can For more information about steel ingots price, visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

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