Premium black steel sheet Local Suppliers

In addition to supplying the domestic black sheet market, Iranian manufacturers have been able to export black steel sheets to other countries. Black sheet produced in Iran, due to its reasonable and competitive price against various types of foreign black sheets, is gradually increasing its share in the global black sheet market. For more information about Premium black steel sheet Local Suppliers, visit our site.

Premium black steel sheet Local Suppliers

The specifications of Premium black steel sheet

The specifications of Premium black steel sheet Types of blackboards are divided into two categories, ordinary and industrial, for the manufacture and manufacture of each, various technologies are used. For example, ordinary black sheet is produced with the ST37 standard and is mostly used in hangar and building construction. On the other hand, industrial mild steel is used in industries such as dams and petrochemicals. This type of sheet is also known as mild steel, as it contains a small amount of carbon in its structure. It has high flexibility and ductility due to its softness. ST52 black sheet standard is in the industrial black plates group.

The black plates are less thick than the oil layers and the temperature of the plates reached 1280 degrees Celsius to make them. St52 black plate is similar to low carbon st37, but has higher strength due to the presence of alloying elements, albeit small. This also reduces flexibility. To produce black sheet; Steel plates are first produced and then transferred to furnaces to acquire preheat temperatures. At this stage, an oxide shell is formed, which is cleaned before moving on the black layer. The sheets are then rolled to reduce the thickness of the iron sheets.

This stage is called rough rolling or straight rolling and this plays an important role in shortening the processing time. After rough rolling, the slabs go to final rolling to reach a high temperature and are completely removed at this stage if there are any roughness or problems. The final rolling line has 5 to 7 racks, reducing the plate thickness to 1.8 to 3 mm. The boards are then lowered to a temperature of about 580 degrees and prepared for the winding step. Finally, the cooled sheets are wrapped like coils and taken to various factories and markets.

If these plates are to be used in the construction of building beams and columns, it should not be forgotten that titanium and uranium alloys will be added to the plates and the final product will be ready for use. Preheating furnace, rough and fine working racks, cooling units, obtainable capacity of the furnace, diameter, length and material of the cylinders, chemical compounds, etc. It matters and will ultimately be effective. For more information about black steel sheet price visit our site.

Local Suppliers of Premium black steel sheet

Local Suppliers of Premium black steel sheet Our company is one of the Local Suppliers of Premium black steel sheet and distributes this product all over the country at a reasonable price. Therefore, for more information about black stainless steel sheet, visit our site.

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